UCDP Update Alert 30:

New publication and data release

UCDP has released two new datasets on non-state conflict; the UCDP Non-state Conflict Issues and Actors Dataset, and the UCDP External Support in Non-state Conflict Dataset. These datasets are part of an effort to code additional information on actor characteristics and conflict issues in non-state conflict, introducing information on what the actors in the conflict are fighting over. The dataset distinguishes between two main categories of issues, territory or authority, in addition to a residual category of other issues. The data builds on and extends the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset and the UCDP External Support Dataset. Both new datasets cover non-state conflicts in Africa, 1989-2011, and are compatible with the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset v. 2.5-2016. A description of the scope of the data collection and descriptive statistics can be found in the new publication: von Uexkull, Nina, and Therese Pettersson. 2018. “Issues and Actors in African Nonstate Conflicts: A New Data Set.” International Interactions Volume 44, Issue 5.

The datasets and codebooks can be downloaded from ucdp.uu.se/downloads

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