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Update Alert No.2
27 July, 2010

Welcome to the UCDP Update Alert...

In order to better promote and inform the global community of scholars and practitioners on the products created and launched by the UCDP, a newsletter focused specifically on updates and forthcoming material has now been produced. The alert will continuously inform its recipients of completed updates of the UCDP Database, launches of new datasets and the approximate dates of launches of forthcoming products.

Your e-mail has been added to this list since you have either been the recipient of our annual publication States in Armed Conflict, have used our data, have passed on your business card to us, or have expressed a wish to be added to the list.

If you do not wish to remain on this mailing list, please reply to conflictdatabase@pcr.uu.se and notify Remove in the Subject area.

Latest updates: Major data release

UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset 2010 released

The latest version of the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset was released online today, 27 July 2010. The dataset contains the update for the armed conflicts waged in 2009, as well as a number of revisions for the years 1946-2008 (these can be viewed in the verison history file). As is done annually the dataset is presented in the Journal of Peace Research, complete with a description of armed conflicts in 2009.

The dataset can be downloaded from the UCDP website, under the Datasets section.

UCDP Dyadic Dataset 2010 released

In conjunction with the release of the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset the UCDP has also released a completely dyadic version of the dataset. The UCDP Dyadic Dataset lists all dyads active in armed conflicts from 1946-2009 and is thus more disaggregated than the UCDP/PRIO version of the data.

The dataset can be downloaded from the UCDP website, under the Datasets section.

UCDP Database now as an iPhone-application

In cooperation with the IT-department at Uppsala University the UCDP now makes available its online database in the form of an iPhone-application. This iPhone-application, available for download free of charge, contains the entirety of the UCDP Database, structured so as to be graphically compatible with iPods, iPhones and iPads. It also allows for browsing the database without having an internet connection.

The application can be downloaded, for free, from Apple's iTunes store.

Coming updates

UCDP Actor Dataset 2010

August 2010: In August the UCDP will release the latest version of the UCDP Actor Dataset; a dataset with descriptive information and IDs of all the actors that have ever been included in the UCDP's datasets on organized violence. Amongst other things the dataset contains IDs for all actors, making it possible to easily track one actor across different categories of violence. The dataset also features information on rebel group splits, merges and alliances. A new feature in this year's version is the inclusion also of all government actors.

UCDP/PRIO Conflict Onset Dataset

August 2010: In August the UCDP will release an updated version of the UCDP/PRIO Conflict Onset Dataset; a ready-to-use country-year dataset with all incidences of conflict onset rfom 1946-2009.

Non-state conflict and one-sided violence update in the UCDP Database

August 2010: Non-state conflict and one-sided violence update in the UCDP Database covering 2009.

UCDP Non-state Conflict Dataset and UCDP One-sided Violence Datasets

September 2010: Updates of the UCDP Non-state Conflict Dataset and the UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset covering 2008, including revisions.

UCDP Paper on the EU in peace and conflict: "A New Start for EU Peacemaking? - Past Record and Future Potential"

August - September 2010: In August or September the UCDP will release a new UCDP paper, which will analyse the EU and the EU member states' records as actors in armed conflict and in peacemaking, based on UCDP data on a range of topics. The report finds that a new start for the EU as a peacemaking actor is required, since the past record is below expectations. The report asserts that the EU has the potential to become a much more effective actor in international peacebuilding, suggesting avenues for future engagements.

Ongoing projects

Non-state Conflict Dataset 1989-2008

Winter 2010 or spring 2011 will see the launch of the UCDP’s new non-state conflict dataset, with a temporal scope covering 1989-2008. This dataset will replace earlier versions of the UCDP Non-state Conflict Dataset, contain start and end dates, more disaggregated fatality counts and basic georeferencing to allow for spatial analysis. The dataset will be updated annually.

UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (UCDP GED)

Spring 2011 will also see the launch of the UCDP’s new georeferenced dataset. This dataset, which has disaggregated all of the UCDP’s categories of violence into specific georeferenced events, will be updated annually.
