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Update Alert No. 17
15 July, 2014

Major data releases

In June, UCDP released six new versions of the annually updated datasets.

UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset v.4-2014

The latest version of the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset is updated with the armed conflicts active in 2013, as well as with a number of revisions for the years 1946-2012 (these can be viewed in the version history file). The dataset is presented in the July issue of Journal of Peace Research, complete with a description of armed conflicts in 2013.

UCDP Dyadic Dataset v.1-2014

In conjunction with the release of the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset the UCDP has also released a dyadic version of the dataset. The UCDP Dyadic Dataset lists all dyads active in armed conflicts between 1946 and 2013 and is thus more disaggregated than the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset.

UCDP Battle-related Deaths Dataset v.5-2014

The UCDP Battle-related Deaths Dataset; a conflict-year and dyad-year dataset, contains information on the number of battle-related deaths in the conflicts that appear in the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset for the years 1989-2013.

UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset v2.5-2014

The latest UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset has a temporal scope covering 1989-2013. It contains information on non-state conflicts, i.e. conflicts between two armed groups, neither of which is the government of a state. The dataset gives information on fatalities caused by these conflicts on a yearly basis, as well as on start- and end dates and locations.

UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset v1.4-2014

The latest version of the UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset has a temporal scope covering 1989-2013. It contains information on intentional attacks on civilians by governments and formally organized armed groups, on an actor-year basis.

UCDP Actor Dataset v.2.2-2014

The UCDP Actor Dataset contains information on all actors included in UCDP's datasets on organised violence (UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset, UCDP Dyadic Dataset, UCDP Battle-related Deaths Dataset, UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset and UCDP Non-state Conflict Dataset)

All datasets can be downloaded from www.pcr.uu.se/research/ucdp/datasets.


The UCDP’s latest data on armed conflicts in 2013 published in Journal of Peace Research

The UCDP article “Armed Conflicts, 1946-2013” by Lotta Themnér (formerly Harbom) and Peter Wallensteen was today published in Journal of Peace Research (JPR).

This year’s article, “Armed Conflicts, 1946-2013”, presents the latest developments in armed conflicts during 2013 by drawing on data from the most recent versions of the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset (v.4-2014), the UCDP Dyadic Dataset (v.1-2014) and the UCDP Battle-related Deaths Dataset (v.5-2014), as well as from the UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia.

In 2013, UCDP recorded 33 active conflicts in the world, which is an increase by one since 2012. The number has remained relatively stable over the past decade and is substantially lower than in the peak year after the end of the Cold War. 2012 saw an increase in the number of battle-related deaths with the number of casualties in Syria completely overshadowing any other ongoing conflict. In 2012, two out of five people dying in battles, died in Syria. In 2013, the UCDP has, for the very first time, refrained from publishing any numbers, due to the shortage of reliable information.

Press release

UCDP Charts & Graphs

Release of new charts & graphs

The UCDP's Charts & Graphs section, has now been updated with the latest UCDP data. The charts and graphs now cover the years 1989-2013 for all three categories of organized violence; state-based and non-state conflicts as well as one-sided violence. The section includes illustrations of for example armed conflicts by type and year, by intensity and year, as well as a map of the world's conflicts in 2013.

Ongoing projects

UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (UCDP GED)

Work to produce the second subset of the UCDP GED is ongoing. The new subset will cover Asia during 1989-2012. The data is scheduled for release this year. The first subset, covering Africa, was released in 2011.
